Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3
With over 13 hours of video content, you can be sure you’ll learn everything you need without having to read hundreds of pages of text. No eBook here, just great video content. If you have ever wanted...
View ArticleAndroid App Development: Easy and Quick Programming
Once upon a time, iOS app developers were the ones in demand. Now the mobile world has busted wide open and Android is a fierce rival, not to mention a truly exciting area to dive into. App development...
View ArticleJava Game Development – Create a Flappy Bird Clone
If you know anything about Java, you’ll know that it can be used in an almost endless number of ways. One of the most popular uses is for game development. Since gaming is a billion dollar industry and...
View ArticleLearn MongoDB From Scratch
Data is a very popular buzzword in the technology industry right now. As more and more people move their activities online, the data companies and websites collect on them will become even more...
View ArticleCreating a Business Website with a Responsive Design
Charge your clients more money by being able to create a WordPress website exactly to their requirements. This Responsive Website Design course will enable you to create a Responsive Website for a...
View ArticleIntroduction to Unity 3D Scripting in C#
This course discusses Unity Scripting. It includes several tutorials on game script creation and coding. This course is aimed at beginning coders and intended to teach you the basic coding you need to...
View ArticleCisco CCNA (200-120) Labs: Gateway to Success!
This ” Cisco CCNA Labs” course is the most complete practice labs for the CCNA (200-120) R/S certification exam. However, for those interested in taking the CCENT, ICND1 and ICND2; this course will...
View ArticleOSTraining – How to Use the SEBLOD Extension in Joomla
The component SEBLOD is a Content Creation Kit for Joomla! Using SEBLOD you can create complex web applications without hacking core. SEBLOD allows you to manage advanced content types while remaining...
View ArticleOSTraining – How to Optimize Your YouTube Videos
YouTube is a huge, free source of traffic and publicity. This class will show you how to optimize your YouTube videos for as many clicks as possible. The post OSTraining – How to Optimize Your YouTube...
View ArticlePenetration Testing A Survival Guide (Packt Publishing)
Penetration Testing: A Survival Guide (Packt Publishing)English | Size: 243.18 MBCategory: HACKING | Security Microsoft Windows is one of the two most common OS and managing its security has spawned...
View ArticleWill Stern – Real World Docker
Will Stern – Real World DockerEnglish | Size: 0.99 GBCategory: Network/Hardware Feeling uncertain about how to use Docker in the real world? This course will put you at ease. Beginning with single-app...
View ArticleMicrosoft 10979C Part 2 Virtual Machines Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Bases
This course provides the underlying knowledge required by all individuals who will be evaluating Microsoft Azure, regardless of whether they are an administrator, developer, or database administrator....
View ArticleMicrosoft 10979C Part 2 Virtual Machines Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
This course provides the underlying knowledge required by all individuals who will be evaluating Microsoft Azure, regardless of whether they are an administrator, developer, or database administrator....
View ArticlePhotoshop CC 2017 Essential Training: The Basics
Learning how to use Photoshop efficiently and effectively is the best investment you can make to get the most out of your pixels. Photoshop CC Essential Training: The Basics filters out the noise and...
View ArticleTypescript for CSharp Programmers
TypeScript brings object-oriented programming to JavaScript, giving developers a scalable, feature-rich language that compiles into super clean code. While TypeScript is traditionally taught from the...
View Article3ds Max: Advanced Lighting
Realistic lighting is easier, faster, and better than ever in 3ds Max. Photometric lighting and a choice of rendering options gives you the power to create a convincing illusion. This course focuses on...
View ArticleReact.js Essential Training
Among all other JavaScript libraries, React.js stands out. It relies on reusable components, not templates, for UI development, allowing developers to render views where data changes over time. React...
View ArticleAfter Effects CC 2017 Essential Training: The Basics
After Effects CC is powerful, versatile, and complex. But if you need to learn it for the first time, it helps to break down the program into its very basics. This course is designed to help absolute...
View ArticleEfficient Web Design Workflow
Optimize the design phase of your workflow by examining the approach of another web designer in action. This course allows you to do just that—observe how Sue Jenkins takes a web design project from...
View ArticleAngular 2: First Look
This course is a gentle introduction to the changes that Angular 2 brings, how they compare to Angular 1, and provides an understanding of the architecture and how the core concepts work together to...
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